How did you first get started running?
I started running as soon as I could walk. Both of my parents are runners and I grew up at their races and in the running world.
Favorite Workout?
In my opinion, running 200's is the best. They are short and sweet. It helps me improve my form by forcing me to put all my momentum forward, making my form better.
Least Favorite Workout?
1ks have always been mentally challenging for me. Getting the exact same time on each repeat is a mental obstacle I am currently working to get over.
What was the greatest obstacle you've had to overcome in your high school career?
The greatest obstacle I've had to overcome is racing by myself. I live in a small town and we go to small meets, where I win anywhere from a minute to three and a half minutes. It was very difficult to try and push myself when I was alone. Every race I ran felt like a tempo run. I never felt like ran as fast as I could because no one was there pushing me.
How do you prepare yourself mentally and physically for a race?
I like to prepare mentally by listening to my favorite music and getting excited and pumped. Then I sit somewhere quiet, think about my race, and enjoy the calm before the storm. To physically prepare I run a lot of miles and get a short taper a couple of days before the race, I also workout every day preparing my body to endure physical strain while I run.
Any Pre Race superstitions?
I don't have any pre-race superstitions.
Most memorable race?
My most memorable race was this year at State. It was amazing to hear everyone cheering for me. Everyone on course knew my name. My whole family was out there to support me. I had great competition, and us small town 3a girls pushed each other to some of the fastest times out of 3a, 5a, and 6a.
What is the best piece of advice you have received from either a coach or teammate?
The best piece of advice I have gotten was given to me by my father/coach. He told me to run my own race. Which means I focus on my performance and whether or not I gave it my best, instead of focusing on what everyone else is doing.
Where are you at on college decisions?
I have decided to not go to college but instead help manage the family company, Mad Moose Events. We direct running events in Colorado and Utah. My family has worked very hard to raise the business from the ground up. Most people go to college but I am not afraid to stand out and do what I love most instead.
What are your top 3 goals you wish to accomplish before you graduate?
1. I want to finish up my high school career by winning all my events come this spring for track.
2. I have wanted to run sub 5:00 in the 1600m since I was in middle school. Last year I thought I could achieve that goal, but I didn't get the opportunity. This year I hope to shatter that goal.
3. I want to beat the record mileage I've run in one week. The highest miles I've run in a week is 53.
Fun Questions:
Favorite Food?
Pumpkin pie! With lots of whipped cream!
Favorite Movie?
The Mandalorian
Favorite song?
Sunflower by Rex Orange County
Favorite Color?
Dark Orange or Sunset Orange.
What's your favorite season and why?
I enjoy the spring the most because of the rain. I love running in it and the way it smells.
Do you play any other sports?
I use to wrestle in middle school and my freshman year of high school. I was one of very few girls in a boy dominated sport.
How many pairs of running shoes have you gone through in your lifetime?
I get about 2 pairs of shoes at the start and end of each season. I put a lot of miles on my shoes, I run about 45 to 50 miles a week. I have been running my whole life and I couldn't put a number on how many I've used.
What's something that's on your bucket list?
I want to leave the country and visit a new place.
If you could have 1 superpower, what would it be?
I would love to teleport because I am always having to travel really far for races. It would be awesome to sleep in my bed and teleport in the morning.
What's one fun fact about you?
I climbed my first Colorado 14,000 ft mountain when I was 8.