Salem Indoor Field Invitational 2021

Salem, UT

Meet Information

Meet Director Contact Information:
Name: Darin Cable
Phone: 801-319-4268
Cell Phone: 801-319-4268

Note From Meet Director:
This is a Shot Put and High Jump only meet. High Jump is off of artificial grass surface. Spikes are not allowed. Shot put is off of a wood throwing ring

Please register by 8pm on Friday February 5th

Individual Cost is $4 per athlete plus $1.50 transaction fee payable at registration time.

Teams can pay $4 per athlete as they arrive (must pay for all registered athletes even if they do not show up)

We will have two high jump pits and two shot put rings. Girls and Boys will all begin at the same time going lowest seeded to highest seeded.

Shot put will have three trial throws with the best 9 throwers advancing to the finals with three additional throws.

Top six athletes will earn medals.