Name: Luke Huddleston
School: Pine View
- What was your most memorable race/throw/jump/vault/moment?
My most memorable race was definitely State Cross Country this last season. I had a goal to take top 5 and was able to race really well, ending up in 4th place. They guys I raced were awesome competition and it was like racing at a whole other level.
- Who would you consider your biggest competition over your four years?
My biggest competition has been my own teammate, Scottie Bushar, and the entire crew of the Desert Hills Varsity boys. We are extremely competitive and all want to beat each other at every race. Scottie and I always try and push each other to our limits, in both workouts and races, and that's allowed us to grow immensely.
- What was your greatest accomplishment?
My greatest accomplishment was making Varsity my first year running on the team as a Junior and contributing to our Cross Country State Title where we also tied the all time biggest win margin in 4a.
- If you could do it all over again what would you change about your running career in high school?
I would have started sooner. I started as a Junior, and who knows what might've happened if I'd began running at a younger age.
- What were the most difficult obstacles you had to overcome?
The biggest obstacle I've had to overcome was learning to calm my fears and anxieties before races. I used to get really nervous before races, like on the verge of losing control of my emotions(and bladder). I had to figure out how to calm down before a race and allow my body to do what it needed to do, and not let my mind get in the way.
- What will you miss the most?
I will miss the fun atmosphere of the team that was present every single day at practice. I will my miss coaches, who knew how to have a good time and love us. Most of all I'll miss summer practice and High Altitude Camp.
- What advice would you give to younger athletes?
Don't be afraid to take risks! Don't ever settle for anything and always leave it all on the course. Taking risks is the only way to truly succeed.
- What influence has your coach had with respect to your performance and overall life goals?
Coach Holt has pushed me to always be improving, both in running and life. Our team motto is "Live and Run Greatly." We've always focused on all aspects of our life and how to improve them. Coach has always encouraged me to do a little better, while still allowing a little time savor the moment. Then it's back to the grind. That's something I'll continue to do for my entire life because I want to strive to be better every day.
- What are your college plans?
I will attend BYU to start and maybe transfer to Dixie or UVU if I want to keep running competitively to start out my college career.
- Who would you like to say 'thank you' to?
I would like to say thank you to my friends I made my first year on the team. They made me want to keep running during the summer, which lead to me loving running. I'd also like to thank my all my coaches, especially Decker and his amazing beard.
- Is there anything else you'd like to add?
I love running!