9/12: Monday- Aquajogging. 300 WU, 12 sets of 30sec hard, 30 sec rest, 45 hard, 45 rest, 60 hard, 3 min rest. 400 CD. I was going to try to run today, but it still hurts to walk. It's awesome week this week, meaning we have 4 speed workouts, which for me means that I get to go hard every day.
9/13: Tuesday- More aquajogging. 10 min warm-up, then a ladder workout. 1 min on, 1 min off, 1:30 on, 1:30 off, all the way up to 5 min and back down. 10 min cooldown.
9/14: Wednesday- Swim workout! 500 warm-up breaststroke, then 5 sets of 25 lungbuster going straight into 75 freestyle, 30 sec rest, 100 kick. Then 500 cooldown. So total distance was 2000m. Good times. Just an update, the problem isn't actually my achilles, it's my posterior tibialis tendon (medial to the achilles) and I have micro tears there that aren't exactly healing like we hope they would. So yeah, it still hurts to walk. 3 cheers for a sucky senior season.
9/15: Thursday- Bikes today... I'm going to be the best highschool triathlete there ever was! Once I can run that is... The workout was 10 min warm-up, then 6 sets of 5 min at 5k effort, 4 min off. 10 min cooldown. 70 min total.
9/16: Friday- Swimming today. 300 WU, then 4 sets of 200 breaststroke, 100 freestyle. no rest. 300 CD. Thrilling. Also I had a dream that I could run last night and it was the most beautiful thing I have ever experienced so shoutout to the dream I had and unshoutout to the fact that I had to wake up. It's slowly slowly getting better, so at this point I'm looking forward to region, and our whole team will be back. This season hasn't gone as planned, but postseason is going to be exciting for sure.
9/17: Saturday- Super tough swim workout today. 300 WU, then 4 sets of 25 sprint, 25 easy, 50 sprint, 50 easy, 75 sprint, 75 easy, 100 sprint, 100 easy. 300 cooldown. Total distance was 2600, so 1.5 miles. Good times. Also since the xc team is going to Bob Firman, we're not going to be able to go to homecoming, so we did our own and had the dance in my cousin's backyard so that was definitely lit. I've been saying a lot of prayers and getting all the treatment I can and I'm getting better. Ever so slowly. Very very little pain today.
9/18: Sunday- rest