Premier Cross Country Invitational 2017

Salt Lake City, UT
Hosted by Stansbury

Meet Information


Dear Coaches and Runners:

The 11th Annual Premier Invitational Cross Country Run will be held at Settlement Canyon, Tooele, Utah on Sat, August 16, 2014.

Fees: $10.00 per school ($50.0 per team)
Fee Includes 2 medals per two varsity teams entered. Please pay
before or bring check to the met.

Place: Settlement Canyon, Tooele Utah

Time: Races begin at 8:0 am. (Gate Opens at 7:0am)

Awards: Team: Only 8 teams per classification 8- 5A, 8- 4A, 8 up to 10 Combined - 3A, 2A, 1A

Top two teams will receive a Trophy
Top 7: Boys and Girls will be awarded a medal and a shirt.
Top 7 JV: Boys and Girls in each classification will be awarded a Medal.

Race 1 JV Boys (5A,4A) 8:0 am
Race 2 JV Girls (5A,4A) 8:30 am
Race 3 Boys Varsity (5A) 9:0 am
Race 4 Girls Varsity (5A) 9:30 am
Race 5 Boys Varsity (4A) 10:0 am
Race 6 Girls Varsity (4A) 10:30 am
Break Betwen Races for 1 Hour
Race 7 Boys Varsity (3A,2A,1A) 1:30 am
Race 8 Girls Varsity (3A,2A,1A) 12:0 pm
Race 9 JV Boys (3A,2A, 1A) 12:30 pm
Race 10 JV Girls (3A, 2A, 1A) 1:0 pm

Times subject to change - Concept - A lot of schools atend an invitational, pay a fee, and come home with nothing.
We still want teams to compete and strive to be the best. We also want them to come home with some Awards.


How to get here: If coming from the North - from Tooele City Main Street head south out of town past he Go-Fer Food store. 1/2 mile further turn left on Settlement Canyon Road. From the South - youll se a Masonic Temple on the right, a little past the entrance to Tooele Army Depot. That is Settlement Canyon Road. Head east up the road to the guard shack

Entry fee checks should be made to Stansbury High School.

If you have any questions, please feel free to call Randy Quarez at on his cell (801)560-8788;; or Steve Allen on his cell (801) 910-4080;, or Gary Lund on his cell (435) 224-239; or