Weekend Preview: Wasatch Invitational, Wasatch Rendezvous, and Royal Run

Sam Sorensen of Mountain View ran a very smart race at the Autumn Classic- Photo by Kyle Perry


Runners in the state will be spread across three meets this weekend, as well as some heading out of state to race in Idaho. The Wasatch Invitational will be held at Soldier Summit, the Wasatch Rendezvous will be held at Big Cottonwood Park, and the Royal Run will be hosted by Roy HS.  

The stage is set for the Wasatch Invitational at Soldier Hollow. Though the headlining meet of the weekend is out of state, this meet could prove to be the highlight of the weekend. American Fork Boys will be going head-to-head against Lone Peak. The Cavemen are ranked #1 in the SW region and #3 in the US, with the Knights ranked #5 in the SW and #90 in the US (Though we feel they are way underrated there). The biggest individual matchup will come between Connor Mcmillan of American Fork and Clayson Shumway of Lone Peak. Shumway is coming off a win at BYU, with Mcmillan fresh off a 2nd place finish at a very tough Herriman Invite. The course at Soldier Hollow should be dried out a bit from what last week was like, but it is still a challenging course. Mcmillan may have a little edge, because coming off such a hard course will make Soldier Summit feel easy.

The Wasatch Rendezvous bears a similar name as the Wasatch Invitational, but it is a very different style of race. The meet involves seven separate varsity races, where each team puts one varsity runner in each of the seven mini races. It’s a very unique meet, and allows each individual to compete for a win in their respective race. Entered teams include Cedar High School, Westlake, Mountain View, North Summit, and Provo. Individuals to watch include Aimee Bryson of Cedar, Austin Brower of Westlake, and Sam Sorensen of Mountain View. Sorensen had a good day at the BYU invite, running conservatively early on, and finishing strong for 3rd overall. Aimee Bryson of Cedar was undefeated going in to the Autumn Classic last week, and will look to get back to her winning ways. 

Also on the docket for the weekend is the Royal Run hosted by Roy High. The top teams set to compete with the Royals are Jordan, Syracuse, and Northridge.